Barmouth Bridge has Closed...

...temporarily until 12 December 2021.

Network Rail are in the process of conducting a £30 million refurbishment of Barmouth's iconic railway bridge.

It's a large job and as a result the bridge is closed to rail AND foot traffic. The closures are from Sunday 12 September 2021 to Sunday 12 December 2021. And there will be further closures in 2022. See Network Rail's website for further details.

There is a lot of work to do including;

  • replacing a large number of timber and metal elements of the viaduct
  • replacing all the planks of the bridge's bed on which the track sits
  • replacing the entire length of track along the Grade II* listed bridge.

During the first lockdown Network Rail took the opportunity to prop up the bridge while it replaced the softwood piles, that support the bridge, with hardwoods specially selected from the far east.

In the next phase, which extends into 2022, the metallic spans will be replaced like-for-like and proofed against corrosion.

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